These forks were donated to the Homestead by a Jay family descendant, Ellen Jay Garrison, John Jay’s Great-Great Granddaughter. Family tradition states that these were made for John Jay while he was serving as a Minister Plenipotentiary to Spain in the later years of the Revolution, trying to solicit funds to support the War.
There are ten forks in total. Eight forks all have the mark of the same maker. The last two forks are slightly different stylistically and have completely different markings. They are all engraved “J.JAY 1779,” the year that Jay left for Madrid. However, the two that come from a different maker have the J. JAY going down the handle and below the inscribed date, 1779. The other eight forks have the J.JAY stamped vertically at the end of the fork above the inscribed date, 1779.
Jay was in Spain from 1780-1782, it is possible that he purchased them in 1781, and the 1779 inscription was added later for sentimental reasons.
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