Posted by & filed under Mystery Object.

Be an Object Detective – can you guess what today’s Mystery Object is?

Here are some clues to help you:
Looking at this object, can you guess what material it is made of?
What shapes do you see when you look at this artifact?
This artifact is made up of two pieces, how do you think they work together?
What do you think this artifact was used for?
Do we use any tools like this today?


Yesterday’s Mystery Object was a Ponce Pot (or Sander)

It is made of clay and is very helpful for drying out wet ink. When a letter was written with a quill, the ink left behind would stay wet for a long time. To help dry it out, pounce (which was made from powdered fish bone) or sand, would be sprinkled on the letter to soak up the extra ink.

You may view the Mystery Object archives HERE